Wednesday, April 18, 2012


wow i seriously haven't been on here since last year how sad:( maybe ill be better when I can slow life down a little bit. Me and Jaden have been so busy with work and school and life it's seriously insane. I hate it we barely ever see each other I'm starting to think I don't have a husband anymore! hahah jk but seriously I hate it!!! I am almost done with spring but then summer school begins. BOOOO but I want to get done with school fast so if it means going through the summer then so be it. Jaden's job is slowly coming to an end and It honestly scares me idk where we'll go or be and that's the worst part. I really don't want to have to move away from friends and family but if that's what we have to do for a little then let the adventures begin. Hopefully it will last till the end of the year atleast.

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